My People Are Free: Prophecies in the Present Tense


Last night about fifty freedom seekers gathered across space and time-zones to write ourselves more free. Inspired by the way Harriet Tubman trusted her dreams and freed herself and multitudes and drawing on the insights of the Combahee River Collective and the 2013 Combahee Pilgrimage to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Tubman’s successful Combahee River Uprising, we dedicated our participation, chanted collective freedom, wrote about our night dreams, our visionary intentions, the obstacles we face and the resources we can tap into. I dedicated my participation to the poet Ai Elo, now a young ancestor who joined us at the Combahee River and is still teaching me what it means to “live free or die.” The poetry, dreams, visions and insights folks shared last night were a priceless gift and an actualization of the freedom Harriet Tubman could already see and feel during her lifetime. I am offering an arrangement of the collective poem we created last night. I suggest reading it out loud and in good company. If you want to be notified of future classes, workshops and webinars you can join the list here. If you want to participate in our next webinar, on Audre Lorde and the Idea of the Community Accountable Intellectual/Artist next week, you can sign up here.

My People Are Free


By the Participants in “My People Are Free”: Harriet Tubman and Prophecy in the Present Tense


My people are sharing laughter

My people are loud and joyful

My people are dancing

My people are warriors


My people are magic

My people are gems

My people feel

My people are TRUTH


My people are listening

My people are at peace

My people are dripping amber honey and sharp flatware

My people are deliciously intentional


My people are inspiring

My people are inherently valuable

My people are liberated

My people are lofty lifting airborne


My people are together

My people are with us

My people are loving self, loving relationships and loving community

My people are spiraling upward and outward


My people are sky-wide

My people are shapeshifters

My people are jingle dancers

My people are fancy dancers


My people are THOUGHT

My people are brilliant

My people are radical visionaries

My people are dreamers


My people are strong

My people are brave

My people are beauty

My people are unimaginably wise


My people are vast and deep


My people are rooted

My people are growing

My people are FUTURE


My people are safe and daring

My people are strong and vulnerable

My people are resilient

My people are reframing


My people are beauty and gentleness

My people are smiling

My people are cared for


My people are healthy

My people are healing

My people are healed


My people are nourished and abundant

My people are infinite and resourceful

My people are limitless

My people are GOOD


My people are more than enough

My people are honey and light

My people are life giving

My people are everything


My people are embodiments

My people are beautifully ordinary

My people are gorgeous geniuses

My people are hilarious and endless


My people are the origins of everything and the inevitable future

My people are valuable beyond earthly measures

My people are deep in their bodies rooted to their ancestral intuition and creativity

My people are breathing deeply into the moment every moment, in every room


My people are immortal as long as we keep them with us remembering them

My people are a forever song

My people are reaching out across planes

My people are stars and the blackness between


My people are water

My people are clouds

My people are moons

My people are transforming


My people are reassured

My people are loved

My people are love

My people are joy


My people are home

My people are whole

My people are freedom incarnate

My people are infinite


My people are life

My people are my ancestors

My people are MY PEOPLE

My people are me

If you want to be notified of future classes, workshops and webinars you can join the list here. If you want to participate in our next webinar, on Audre Lorde and the Idea of the Community Accountable Intellectual/Artist next week, you can sign up here.

Alexis Pauline Gumbs